Intelligent information systems in bioinformatics : Semantic integration, analysis and classification of biomedical data : Thesis summary / Ilian Nedkov Mihailov ; Supevisor Dimitar Ivanov Vassilev.
Mihajlov, Ilijan Nedkov; Vasilev, Dimitar Ivanov supervisor
2021 [issued] 2021.
Thesis summary for awarding with the educational and sci. degree "PhD" in prof. domain 4.6 Informatics and computer science, PhD progr. "Inform. technologies - bio and med. informatics Sofia Univ. "St. Kliment Ohridski", Fac. of mathematics and informatics 2021; Електронно копие София Университетска библиотека "Св. Климент Охридски" 2022
Биоинформатика.; Медицинска кибернетика.
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Mihajlov, Ilijan Nedkov
Intelligent information systems in bioinformatics :| Semantic integration, analysis and classification of biomedical data : Thesis summary /| Ilian Nedkov Mihailov ; Supevisor Dimitar Ivanov Vassilev.
Характеристика на файл (1 PDF файл : 2.259 MB)
Sofia,| 2021.
35 p. :| ill. ;| 21 cm.
Thesis summary| for awarding with the educational and sci. degree "PhD" in prof. domain 4.6 Informatics and computer science, PhD progr. "Inform. technologies - bio and med. informatics| Sofia Univ. "St. Kliment Ohridski", Fac. of mathematics and informatics| 2021
Дигиталният обект е предназначен само за лично ползване
Електронно копие| София| Университетска библиотека "Св. Климент Охридски"| 2022
Биоинформатика.| Медицинска кибернетика.
Vasilev, Dimitar Ivanov| supervisor